Monday, November 29, 2010

2 1/2 years old...already??

At 2 1/2 Joseph knows his: ABC's, can identify almost all of the alphabet, can count to 20 (pronunciation can be iffy), can identify numbers to 10 (working on 11-20), and knows his basic colors and shapes. He loves to paint and color, play with his legos, dress himself, any of the Toy Story 1,2 or 3 movies, Max and Ruby, is fascinated by dinosaurs and cars, and still enjoys reading books and playing with puzzles. 

He is a very independent, energetic, talkative, and an overall happy boy. He is starting to understand rules and consequences, and beware, he is known to make a cute shy face when he knows he's done something wrong!

Happy Halloween!

Halloween was a blast this year! Joseph loved saying "trick or treat" and ringing all of the doorbells. His favorite Halloween decorated house ended up scaring him, so we had to hold him most of the time after that. Once we got done he helped hand out candy, but refused to hand out candy to the kids dressed in scary costumes. 

 Skeleton with "Jason" from Friday the 13th.